Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Should require technical support, we would be happy to help you. Please provide us with a description of your technical support request via our Contact form.
Subscription License \r\nWith our subscription license, you receive our content updates to the content package, including new courses we release into the package. You may also upgrade to our newer versions of the applications in the content package during your subscription. \r\n\r\nPurchase License The Purchase license does not include content updates or the right to newer versions of the content.
If you are interested in purchasing our courses, please send us a Course Quotation Request to let us know which course package or courses you are interested in, the license type (purchase, annual subscription), the number of users and the languages required. We will then promptly provide you with the appropriate pricing information. \r\nCompanies and Organizations may order courses via purchase order and make payment via bank transfer or PayPal. We do not accept credit cards or checks for payment.
Yes. We can provide you with limited online access to test the courses you are interested in purchasing. Please tell us about your project in our Contact form and include the names of the courses you wish to test.
There are a few ways to find E-learning on the site.\r\nFirstly you can hover over Products & Resources (in the purple bar) and select the Service you want to look at.\r\n\r\nThe second option is to click Training (in the purple bar), then E-learning from the hover menu. Note that recorded webinars can be found in this way too and the same way as above.\r\nThe first and third options (above) will allow you on the next page to filter the products. On the left hand side click E-learning in the tick box.\r\nOnce you have found the course you want click View Product.\r\n\r\nIf you are buying more than one licence remember to change the quantity box.\r\nThese purchases can only be made by site admin (CPD leads/Settings Managers). If you think this should be you please contact the CPD team.\r\n\r\nClick Buy Now once you are happy with your quantity.\r\nThis will add the product to your basket. Click the basket to continue.\r\nIf you have a voucher code please add this to the Voucher Code box and click Apply (grey button), then click Checkout (purple button.\r\n\r\nIf you don\'t have a voucher code just click Checkout (purple button).\r\nYour details will now appear.\r\n\r\nClick Continue .\r\nSelect your payment method - Card, Direct Debit or Invoice.\r\n\r\nRead the Terms and Conditions, and tick the box to confirm you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.\r\n\r\nClick Submit Order\r\nYou will see the Confirmation screen with your order reference number.\r\n\r\nYour order is now complete.\r\n\r\nTo access your purchase click My Account \r\nClick on My Online Courses and start your course.
Once you have completed the course and an evaluation, click the course title link to take you back to the course overview page then click on certificate to download your certificate.
If you are unsure what part of the course you have missed, click the progress bar and this will open a side window and any sections showing as white are incomplete. You can go straight to those sections by clicking on them.
No, you can complete our courses in your own time. If you need to leave a course, click the course exit button to save your progress. This icon is in the top right-hand corner of your page. You will need to allow a few moments for CPD to register this progress before closing the window down
Yes, all our courses have a dyslexia helper extension added. This provides alternative color schemes to improve readability for dyslexic users. To do this, launch the course you wish to take and then click the eye icon in the top right hand corner of your page. Then you can select the color scheme which is best for you.
You can search for courses in a number of ways Via the search bar. Type in the name of the course or a keyword. Hover over Product. Resources in the purple bar, then select the services you are looking for and use the filter option on the left hand side after that. Hover over Training in the purple bar, and click E-learning then cycle through our carousel which has our entire catalogue of courses.
The site should work with all browsers, however we do recommend chrome as this is tested to be most reliable and consistent.

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